Uncover critical vulnerabilities in your cloud infrastructure components
In security as in life, the hardest weaknesses to pinpoint are your own. Fortunately, we have no problem thoroughly documenting all of your flaws. In fact, it’s our job. And that’s a good thing: knowing your vulnerabilities—and the ways in which attackers could exploit them—is one of the greatest insights you can get in improving your security program.
A penetration test (pen test) is an authorized simulated attack performed on a system or infrastructure to evaluate its security. Penetration testers use the same tools, techniques, and processes as attackers to find and demonstrate the business weaknesses in a system. Penetration tests usually simulate a variety of attacks that could threaten a business.
With that in mind, IDT’s Penetration Testing Services team will simulate a real-world attack on your AWS infrastructure and applications to demonstrate the security level of your key systems and infrastructure and show you what it will take to strengthen it
The objective of this step is to gather as much information about the target as possible from public and private sources to develop the attack strategy
Gaining access
At this stage a pen tester simulates an attacker’s actions including stealing, changing, or deleting data; moving funds; or simply damaging a company’s reputation
The objective of this step is to run the scanning process to examine the target website or system for weaknesses, including open services, application security issues, and open source vulnerabilities
Maintaining access
In order to demonstrate the potential impact, once pen testers gain access to the target, their simulated attack must stay connected long enough to accomplish their goals of exfiltrating data, modifying it, or abusing functionality
Why Us?
IDT’s experts will provide your organization with a detailed report listing all the vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your application.
The report includes:
Executive Summary Report where the vulnerabilities are explained along with the risks they pose, key observations and recommendations for mitigation
Detailed Technical Report which includes a detailed analysis, criticality, details of exploits, audit logs, and mitigation strategies
Our Benefits
Find weaknesses in systems and infrastructures
Determine the robustness of controls
Support compliance with data privacy and security regulations (e.g., PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOC II)
Provide qualitative and quantitative examples of current security posture and budget priorities for management